
Auto Repair Shop Pro-1 Automotive Inc. in Reno

As a car owner, there are many things that you can do to extend the life of your vehicle. These forms of preventative maintenance can include changing your oil, checking your tire pressure, and getting regular check ups. Preventative maintenance saves you money and helps you catch small issues before they become a big problem. Just like performing routine activities like going to the gym or taking a shower, maintaining your car takes time and effort but will ultimately benefit the health of your vehicle. For your convenience, every time you visit Pro-1 Automotive Inc., in Reno we will check under the hood to make sure all of your vehicle's vital fluids are in proper condition. We will then make recommendations based on these observations. Make sure you check your owners manual for an appropriate maintenance schedule for your specific vehicle, this will help you know when you need to bring your car in. Here at Pro-1 Automotive Inc. we can help you keep your car running smoothly and safe ... read more

Gas Saving Tips

While we do not have much control over the prices at the pump, we do have some control over efforts to save as much fuel as possible while we drive. Follow these gas saving tips to keep more fuel in your tank, and more money in your wallet. Keep Your Cool Aggressive driving tactics such as speeding, rapid acceleration and braking, wastes more gas than we realize. In fact, according to, it can lower your gas mileage by 33% on the highway and by 5% in town. Maintain your Vehicle Taking your vehicle in for regular maintenance at the auto repair shop can help you save money at the pump. Old spark plugs, dirty filters, low fluid levels, poor alignment and improperly inflated tires all contribute to poor gas mileage. Avoid Heavy Loads or Excess Weight If you have accumulated excess junk in your trunk, clean it out and save money. Your vehicle has to work harder and uses more fuel to carry around all of ... read more

Engine Repair in Reno

Top Signs You Need Engine Repair Vehicles are extremely complicated machines, and any number of parts can malfunction. In a society that relies so heavily on their vehicles for work and recreation, an unexpected breakdown can spell disaster. However, increasing numbers of car owners are neglecting routine maintenance and ignoring the common signs of a need for engine repair that could leave them stranded and with huge repair bills. Getting the most out of your vehicle means keeping it in the best shape possible, and that requires knowing and acting on important warning signs that your vehicle needs engine repair or maintenance. If you want to avoid the inconvenience of a breakdown, take your vehicle in to your auto repair shop when you notice any of these signs of engine problems. Warning Lights That pesky “check engine” light is hard to miss, but many people do not take it as seriously as they should, especially if the ligh ... read more

Mobile Jumpstarts

Top Advantages of Using Mobile Jupmstarts Nearly always unexpected, a dead battery presents a number of frustrations and delays. Usually it happens when we are already late for a full day of work or in a place without anyone to help. Rather than waiting for help, there are a number of important reasons why calling for a mobile jumpstart service is an advantage. Ready Assistance We can't always count on help to come when we need it. That's one reason why calling your local auto shop for mobile jumpstarts is an advantage. Technicians at the auto shop are ready to come to your assistance with the right equipment without delay. Auto Technicians are Trained in Jumpstart Procedures Jump starting a vehicle might seem like a simple procedure, but that's not always the case. Newer vehicles are equipped with sensitive electronics which could be damaged by incorrect procedures. Automotive professionals are trained in the corre ... read more

Why is my Check Engine Light On?

It's a busy weekday morning. You barely get out the door in time, and when you get to the car, start the ignition, and a dashboard warning light comes on- the check engine light. Uh-oh. The check engine light is probably every driver's most hated warning light. It gives no details about what's wrong, and the list of potential problems goes on and on, ranging from minor malfunctions to costly problems. NOTE: If your check engine light comes on and is flashing, this indicates a serious problem and you should get to the nearest auto repair facility immediately. Top 3 Most Common Causes of the Check Engine Light Oxygen Sensor: The oxygen sensors in your car helps determine how much fuel you burn. A defective oxygen sensor effects mileage calculation and leads to a decrease in fuel economy. While oxygen sensors are a relatively easy and inexpensive part to replace, failing to replace them in time can eventually destroy your catalytic converter. And depending on the car, a ... read more

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**Please note — No appointment required for a smog check, gas or diesel.


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